Custom node ESM loader (hook)
Sometimes you need to create some text-based assets (CSS, HTML, or SVG files) for your node.js project and then to use them in your JavaScript runtime as a strings. Of course, you can use something like fs.readFileSync()
for that... But it's little bit bulky and you cannot bundle the source this way. Or you can wrap your assests into the JavaScript template literal and export them as a standard JavaScript modules... But it becomes painful to edit that kind of files without valuable support in your IDE. So, what are we gonna do?
First of all, let's create our custom ESM loader (loader.js):
import { URL } from 'url';
import { readFile } from 'fs/promises';
export async function load(url, context, defaultLoad) {
const checkUrl = url.split('?')[0]; // Cutting the possible search parameters
if (checkUrl.endsWith('.css')
|| checkUrl.endsWith('.html')
|| checkUrl.endsWith('.htm')
|| checkUrl.endsWith('.svg')) {
const content = await readFile(new URL(url));
return {
format: 'module',
source: `export default ${JSON.stringify(content.toString())};`,
shortCircuit: true,
return defaultLoad(url, context, defaultLoad);
Use the --loader
parameter to start:
node --loader ./loader.js ./my-app.js
Then you can use the direct imports for your CSS, HTML, and SVG files, just like you, possibly, did that earlier with the Webpack loaders:
import html from './index.html';
import css from './styles.css';
import svg from './image.svg';
This node.js feature is still experimental, use it with a caution. Provided example is tested in node 18.x